By Howell B. Joiner
The sad thing about this mess we are in today is, there was a plan put in place by far sited corporate strategist to use German and Japanese tool of propaganda that was used against us during the war to slowly but surely divert the American people’s attention away from the real story.
This was when the twins were conceived, the gestation period of, "one world government and one world economy" had begun. For a healthy birth of the twin babies to occur, Mother Greed had to be nourished while the needed environment was provided and a home was prepared by Father Corporate.
Before proceeding we need to take a good look at what we, as Americans were and what this great and proud country, The United States Of America, was at that point in history. We all know about the birth of this great country from the discovery, colonization, revolution, forming of government, troubling wars, growing pains and on to maturity.
After the Civil War the money lords that are today touted as great philanthropist that did so much for our country were in fact making their fortunes on the blood, sweat and tears of the workers whom were only paid a mere existence wage. At that point in time there was no middle class, only the rich and the poor. The money barons built the industry, the town, including the court houses, public facilities and churches. If any group of people wished to worship in the church building they had to pay the owner for the time occupied.
Another avenue of control of the workers included a requirement that workers had to live in company provided, substandard housing, for which an inflated portion of their earnings were deducted. In many cases the workers were paid with company script money rather than cash forcing them to buy their goods at inflated prices at the company store. This practice was the focus of Tennessee Ernie Ford’s famous song, “Sixteen Tons”.
If a worker was injured, ill or disabled he was fired and he and his family were evicted from company housing. If a worker was injured on the job there was no workers compensation. The boss accepted no responsibility, saying he knew that this was a dangerous job when he hired on.
The desire for a better way of life and the search for the same caused men to start organizing in unity with the goal of breaking this choke hold on the workers and thus the unions were formed. The money lords went to battle to keep the workers from reaching their goals by what means they had. They even went as far as hiring armed goons to gun down anyone suspected of promoting unions along with their wives and children.
By the beginning of World War II middle class America was alive and growing. When we were dragged into the war all of the manufacturing facilities were converted to defense plants, whereby we had the resources to win the war.
For the duration of the war all the unions by a vote of their members manifested their patriotism agreeing to extend contracts and not have any negotiations until the war was won. The solidarity of all Americans in the war efforts proclaimed to the world the greatness of America. Our economy grew and we became the top source of manufactured goods to the world. We were rated each year by our gross national product, that surpassed any other nation.
It was at this point the money lords became aware that they had lost control over the work force and that heretofore workers had attained the status of employees for which they had to pay a life improving wage with good working condition and benefits in order to have a force to produce the gross national product that provided their profits. No longer could they produce the goods by a force that was compensated by only slave wages. This is where the aforementioned romance of Father Corporate and Mother Greed, began.
The strategist began the propaganda mill by creating and circulating dialog that began with, “what if”? “What if the unions had called a strike during the war?” Followed by, “We would have lost the war!” Even the suggestion of this subject was a slap in the face to all the patriotic union members that had a profound impact on the victory our great country had achieved. This type of dialog was continually spoon fed to the public with statements that unions are no longer needed and they are the reasons for all kinds of phantom ills and they have out lived their need. This lasted until the time President Ronald Reagan realized he could fire all the air traffic controllers and the people of this country would let him get by with it.
During the years between World War II and Reaganomics the propaganda mill stayed busy with numerous rumors to cloud the minds of the public with any number of misrepresented ills and supposed problems, all geared to justify the eventual dismantling the great America and taking away the gross national product. Had there been a move toward fair trade things would be a lot better. No we were not sold a fair trade package. We were sold a free trade package. Each president from President Nixon, until this time
was, for deregulation of all industry and all kinds of free trade packages. This leaves no doubt that Democrats and Republicans share in the selling of our country one factory and one job at a time. While we were being told that the unions and high wages were responsible for the exodus of our jobs and gross national product, the manufacturing companies were being paid millions of dollars to close factories in this country and open new ones in third world countries. Now, these are the workings of Father Corporate and Mother Greed twins trying to grow up..
In addition to the misinformation I have spoken of, on another front the strategist were guiding the one world twin promoters to imbed themselves into the fast growing mega
churches and television ministries to join with them by waving a matador flag before them on moral and dear to heart issues, knowing that a giant voting block for the Republican Party would be the result. At this point Father Corporate and Mother Greed have the Republicans in their pocket and the Democrats are now on the fences between issues, because they have gotten burned so badly on a number of issues they have taken up. One example of this is the human civil rights that should be just that, equal rights for all humanity, without naming group A to group Z or any groups between.
At this time we are so bombarded by the many talk shows, with their agenda of swaying minds of the people by their twisted facts, Adding to all of this being done there are tons of scare tactics being from spread from the law makers that are bought and paid for by the drug and insurance industries. While they were urinating on our heads they made most of us believe it was raining. As a result of all the downpour of non factual garbage that has fallen upon us a large percent of the people have taken a stand on what they believe. With desire to stand for what is right they unknowingly stand firm in support of the evil that we all should be informed and unified against.
It would take more time and space than is available, to site all the ills of our beloved country but that would achieve nothing. At this time we know we need a solution and the best way to find a solution is to look back to where we went astray and what would have prevented the mess we are in. While we look and think back we see that we are no longer under a government of the people, for the people, by the people. We must question why? Let us search for the answers.
How does a government of the people, for the people, by the people work?
The constitution set the guidelines for the states to operate their own program to attain this goal, while staying within the guidelines set forth to assure a true representation of the people. Your state’s rules may vary in minor detail, but I will site Oklahoma, the one I know.
At the same time and date in compliance with the guidelines each political party, conducts a meeting within each voting precinct for the purpose of electing a chair person, a co-chair person and a secretary for that precinct.. It is required that the announcement of this meeting is published and reported in all local news media. The term of these officers is two years and they are on a schedule to be elected opposite the United States President.
There is a mandate that every voter has the opportunity to submit in writing resolutions for actions they want their party to take and stand for in the process of governing. The time and place to submit these resolutions are at the precinct meetings.
The newly elected secretary then fills out the certification papers on the meeting along with the minutes of the meeting and the, resolutions received and submits them to the office of the county party. The three officers that were elected at the precinct meeting are the delegates which carry the resolutions and desires of that precinct the next level of the GOV-OPFPBP, that being the party county convention.
Early in county convention a committee is formed to organize all the resolutions submitted to the county party into a proper form along with a recommendation to either approve or reject each one submitted. These resolutions are the presented for a vote of the entire body of delegates from each precinct of the county, completing the move to the next rung up the ladder of GOV-OPFPBP. These approved resolutions along with other business acted on by the county delegation are advanced to the district convention where they will be heard and voted on again at that level, weather to advance to state or remove each resolution. The delegates that are elected to the district are also the delegates to the state convention where by the voters of each precinct that elected officers is sending their desires on up the ladder enabling the GOV-OPFPBP.
Next the delegates and the resolutions and other issues that were acted on arrive at the state convention. Here the business of every active prescient, each county and all districts are all organized and presented to the entire body of delegates that have, been sent from all counties that were elected by delegates from all active precinct At this point, every voter of the State, and had interest enough to participate in the process of GOV-OPFPBP has exercised his/her input into the process.
At the State convention the final order of business is to elect the number of delegates that the state is eligible for based on the population and that will send a group of delegates to the national convention that every active precinct in the state had a voice in. With the completion of this process the people have sent their voice to Washington to nominate presidential candidates and work to get our desires into the platform thereby fulfilling the GOV-OPFPBP.
Here are some questions for thought.
#1-Did you know about precinct meetings?
#2- Have you ever attended a precinct meeting?
#3-Do you ever know when and where the precinct meeting is held?
#4- Do you have any idea how many precincts that have no officers?
#5-Is your precinct one that does not have officers?
#6-Do you know how little time it would take for you to the get vacancy filled?
#7-Are there groups with agendas that you do not agree reaching their goals?
#8- Would you like for your opinion and agenda to come before theirs?
#9-Do you know how their agenda obtained platform status?
#10-Did you know that most people spend more time talking and writing about what is wrong with our government, than it would require for you to assume your civic duty,
and become one of the governing body, by attending your precinct meeting accompanied by enough like minded people to gain leadership of your precinct
#1- If answer is yes Congratulations If answer is no Shame on you
#2 || || || ||
#3- || || || ||
#4 || || || ||
#5 || Shame on you || I hope you helped
#6- It would take approximately 2 hours prep time at most, 2 hour meeting maybe and 1 hour paper work for the meeting and 1 7-8 hour convention. A total of 13 hours over a 2 year period you have been a person in the government of the people, for the people, by the people. If every precinct had this status in both parties we would not be in this mess.
#7 if you and your like minded had been heard in numbers their agenda would have had no room to get on board.
#8 was answered with #7
# 9 They put themselves in the governing body like you and yours should have.
#10- was to jump start your thoughts. If all the people use the time they spend babbling on talk shows, sending convoluted emails, writing to editors and spending time on any number of other venues that do nothing to solve the problem would only devote 13 hours every 2 years to doing something productive that would change the course of this country.
The state of Oklahoma has hundreds of precincts with no officers now and a few years ago we had a lot more. One group of people got themselves organized and captured enough precincts get their agenda moved on by having 3 of their group rent and move into precincts that had no officers. In most cases they were the only ones to show up for the meeting.
In 1965 we bought a house in an established neighborhood of all working middle class people. Most of us had children in school at the time. At that time Don Rock was the precinct 27 chair, his wife Wilma was co-chair, and the secretary did not want to serve anymore. The 4 of us were all that attended that meeting. For the next 6 years Don, Wilma and I were the precinct officers and delegates to the county convention. During that, 6 years one other person came to one of the meeting. After that term Don and Wilma retired. The meeting that year was attended by Don, Wilma, my wife Sylvia, one other man (his name I don’t remember), and myself. That meeting resulted in the other man becoming secretary, Sylvia became co-chair and I became chair. One time during the next 6 years we had one other person attend but he declined any active roll. Before the next term Sylvia was deceased and I acted as secretary in addition to being chair. At the next precinct meeting I had married Beatrice (Bea) I remained the chair and Bea
became, the co-chair and the secretary retained his position. Sometime later the secretary
moved away and I recruited a supportive neighbor, named Chris Murphy to assume the
secretary position. In 2006 Bea's health went down to the point she had to have full time care and I became inactive in the party. In 2007 Bea died after which I went mobile and travel full time in the motor home. As far as I know no one from precinct has attended the precinct meetings since then.
During the time that I was chair of precinct 27 one time there was one man that attended and at the last meeting I conducted there were 2 Ladies attended and one of them became co-chair for on term. At the first meeting after I became inactive there was no attendance.
Stop and think about what you just read. Over the time span of 42 years, precinct 27 has had a total of a combined total of 14 people participate in the process of GOV-OPFPBP.
Precinct 27 has only had 8 people serve as precinct officers in a 42 year time frame. This degree of apathy is seen in hundreds of precincts over the State of Oklahoma and I feel safe in saying the same thing applies to all other states.
Should we wonder that our country is in the mess that it is in?
Did you ever stop and think when you say lets pray for our country, God would come nearer to answering our prayers if we were all committed to doing our duty by becoming active in the above named process? Even when Christ was here on earth in the flesh He used disciples. Now He is only here in spirit and still needs disciples to help Him do His work.
Howell B. Joiner
P.O. Box 104
Bixby, Oklahoma
Phone 918 838 8380
Email howelljoiner@gmail.com
Website www.howelljoiner.com
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