Sunday, March 1, 2015


recurring post # 1

I have had this Google account for a long time and have never been very active here.  Just today the thought came that I have neglected the opportunity to share some ideas with others in a positive way by which we might be able to start a change of direction that is needed in this country. 
Let us now let us look at our beloved country as an ailing body in dire need of healing, and I think there would be few who would deny this.  Before beginning any form of treatment, one need to obtain a diagnosis of what is wrong, what is the cause and what will heal it.  Looking at all the ailing symptoms of our beloved land, we have multi-ailments threatening the body.  Any procedures to correct and cure any one of the ailments must be applied in a way which brings healing, without interfering with treatments of other ailments.
This thought brings to mind a word that may be the most important word in the English language.
Nothing, no program, no person, no document, no living body, no machine, no vehicle, no structure, no municipality, no city, no county, no state, no government and no country will perform as it is designed to if all the components are not in balance. Without proper timing and balance of the two nothing will deliver in an efficient manner.  Now that statement brings forth a word that may follow right behind BALANCE in importance and that word is, TIMING.

At this time I am going to post this, take a break and use the time to compose thoughts for the next posting.

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